International Business Agency




Throughout the year, Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partner hosts seminars for individuals, businesses and their guests to learn more about how tax laws, financial markets or accounting regulations can impact the health of their company.




Small Business Tax Workshop

This small business workshop is designed to help the small business owner/self-employed individual understand the many and varied responsibilities of starting and operating a small business. Workshop topics vary from a general overview of federal and state taxes to more specific topics such as recordkeeping, writing a business plan and applying for a loan.

Capital Budgeting

Managers in today's complex and changing business environment need much more than a basic understanding of capital budgeting methods. They need to understand the impact of alternative cash flow patterns, income taxes, capital costs, risk and inflation, and how each of these topics impacts net present value and internal rate of return, the two most widely used capital budgeting methods. This course illustrates these methods and teaches the extent to which financial decision-makers utilize the methods covered, while also introducing real options analysis. 

Cash Flow: Managing the Lifeblood of the Organization

Everything that a business person needs to know about cash flow, primarily from a management's needs perspective, is covered in this course.  The class shares the techniques used to budget cash flow needs, sources and balances. It also illustrates the various types of sources and uses of cash, and how a business manager should monitor and anticipate cash flow needs. This course is for business owners, entrepeneurs and managers who need to understand business cash flows in order to effectively and efficiently manage their business.

Hiring Independent Contractors

This course is designed to help practitioners understand the risks and benefits of using independent contractors in lieu of employees. The course addresses the legal risks associated with a misclassification, as well as the role of the Internal Revenue Service in classifying workers. Instructors will explain the role of the states, with specific emphasis on unemployment insurance and worker's compensation coverage.

How To Start a Business

Gain the tools that you need to start a business or successfully advise individuals who are starting a business. Advising small-business owners can be very satisfying, as you watch a business grow and flourish. It can also be the beginning of a long-term relationship and result in tax, consulting and other work in future years. The skills and knowledge you develop in advising new business owners can also be transferred to profitable consulting engagements for established businesses.

How To Write a Business Plan

This comprehensive course covers all aspects of developing business plans. Thorough attention is given to sales revenue, production, research and development, marketing and distribution, and sales administration. The course also examines writing financial plans and implementing business plans.

The Fraud of Identity Theft

A business that does not recognize the vulnerability of its systems, data, customers, operations and reputation to fraudsters committing identity theft has left the door wide open for them. Thieves use many methods to infiltrate a business and steal information (both electronic and printed) for nefarious uses. They count on the lack of a security policy, management neglecting to training employees on fraud warning signs, or the failure of the business to institute procedures that forbid dangerous practices. They revel in the small business trust factor that shuns internal controls, or believes that the company is just too small to ever be a victim. This course explains the tricks and consequences of identity theft and ways to prevent it.

Human Resource Management:  An Introduction to the Workforce

Human capital is most important to the financial success of a company. The employees represent the company to customers and the rest of the outside world. When a company follows good human resource practices, the employees will project a favorable image and praise the company's work environment. Small and large companies alike must periodically perform a self-evaluation of their workforce. In each section of this course, students are given the opportunity to answer specific questions about the company and evaluate the current status. Instructors will discuss and evaluate issues like manpower requirements, internal communications and separation-from-service practices.

Workshops are currently free, but seating is limited.  Please register  Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Adulting Digest

        Adulting  Digest 

  Making Sense Out Of Dollars

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