International Business Agency

EA Enrolled Agent

EA Enrolled Agent  Ipocampus

Who is an EA?

Enrolled agents (EAs) are tax experts. They are the only federally licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service.

Only enrolled agents, attorneys, and CPAs have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. To become an enrolled agent, one must earn a license in one of two ways:

1) by passing a comprehensive exam that covers all aspects of the tax code, or

2) by having worked at the IRS for five years in a position which regularly interpreted and applied the tax code and its regulations.

To retain their license and status as EAs, the IRS requires that they complete 72 hours of continuing education, reported every three years.

Our exam preparation course is intended for those who want to become Enrolled Agents. This course which lasts three months, is held four times a year and covers all parts needed to sit for the exam.


Course includes the following parts:

  • Part 1 - Individual
  • Part 2 - Business
  • Part 3 - Representation, Practice and Procedures

Also, our CE courses satisfy eight to 16 hours of education in the federal tax law and can be completed in just one to two days.


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