International Business Agency

Privacy Policy - Cookie - GDPR Ue 2016/679

Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners and its affiliates are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to activities directly related to your visit of the Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners websites. It does not apply to third parties’ websites linked through the Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners website. We strongly recommend that you read these third parties’ privacy policies prior to providing any information to such sites. Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners has no responsibility or liability in connection with any third parties’ websites.

Collection, Use and Transfer of Your Information

You can visit most of the Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners site without disclosing your personally-identifiable information (“personal data”). However, you may choose to provide us with your personal data, for example when you contact us, register for seminars, activities and programs available on our website or when you request information or services. You also may decide to provide us voluntarily with personal data of a third person, such as your spouse, colleague or friend. In such case, we assume that you have an unrestricted permission of such person to provide her personal data to Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners. Ipocampus HoldingOdoni Partners may use suppliers to collect, process, store, use, analyze and/or transfer the data on its behalf. In such case, it is Ipocampus Odoni Partners practice to require that these suppliers handle the personal data they process or transfer in a manner consistent with Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners' policies. By submitting the personal data to us, you acknowledge and agree with your data being processed and/or transferred on Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners' behalf by its suppliers. Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners will handle the information we learn from you from your visit to our website in the following manner:

Google Disclaimer

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

If you submit personal data when visiting an Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners Web site

We may collect, process and/or transfer the specific information you voluntarily provide to us in the contact form you choose to fill in on our website, including the personal data you provide. By submitting any personal data on Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners' site, you authorize Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners to use, process and transfer (if necessary across borders) such data, even in and to countries where the level of data protection may not be commensurate with the high standard of protection adopted by certain countries, such as the standard suggested by the EU Data Protection Directive. In such countries, Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners will still handle your personal data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners will not sell personal data to third
parties; however your personal data may be automatically transferred to the successor to substantially all of the assets and business of Ipocampus Odoni Partners.

If you are a client, or are part of a client organization, or are a subcontractor

Personal data you provide to Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners including personal data of a third party, such as your spouse, colleague and friend may be collected, stored, used and transferred as necessary for Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners to carry out business or seek potential business in the future with your company. If you provide us with personal data, whether in the form of an e-mail, business card, orally during business meeting or otherwise, we assume that you have granted us a permission to collect, store, use and transfer such information with no limitations even in and to countries where the level of data protection may not be commensurate with the high standard of protection adopted by certain countries, such as the standard suggested by the EU Data Protection Directive. We also assume that you have unrestricted permission from the third party for the transfer of its personal data.

Disclosure Required by Law

Please be aware that it is possible that personal data you provide to Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners may be subject to disclosure under the law (e.g. pursuant to a statutory provision, a court order or a subpoena).

Sensitive Personal Information

Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners will not generally collect, process or transfer sensitive personal data through its site, unless you expressly consent with such collection, processing or transfer. “Sensitive personal data” for the purposes of this Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners Privacy Policy shall mean data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, and data concerning health or sex life. By providing us with unsolicited sensitive personal data, you explicitly consent to such data being collected, processed and transferred by Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners.

Correction, Update and Deletion of the Personal Data

Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners will provide you with a possibility to ensure that the personal data you provided to us is accurate and up to date. You can request correction, update and deletion of your personal information via e-mail sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. and we will use reasonable efforts to contact you regarding your request.

In case you chose to be on a mailing list for periodic email updates regarding Ipocampus  Holding Odoni Partners services and events, you also can use this e-mail address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. to send us a notification that you no longer want to receive such information. We will honor your choice and refrain from sending you such announcements. You may change your choice at any time.

To update or delete your data or correct an inaccuracy, we may ask you to verify your identity and cooperate with us in our effort.

Security of Your Personal Information

Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners uses various organizational and technical measures to protect your privacy and avoid unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data. However, you should note that no transfer of data over the Internet is completely secure. While we use reasonable efforts to protect your data on our systems, when the data is transferred over the Internet, it may be accessed and used by unauthorized third parties. Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners has no control over the performance, reliability, availability or security of Internet and does not warrant that any information transfer via Internet or any communication through Internet is secure. Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners shall not be liable for any disclosure, unauthorized use, loss, damage, expense, harm or inconvenience resulting from the loss, delay, interception, corruption, intervention, misuse or alteration of any personal information due to any reason beyond Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners' reasonable control. Children’s Personal Information Ipocampus Holding Odoni Partners.com is a site not targeted to children and is not intended to collect personal data from children under age of 18. If you have questions regarding privacy of your personal information you submit to us through our website, please send an e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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